Storytellers in Denmark

FIDA is the national association (NGO) for oral storytelling in Denmark. As an organization, FIDA has existed since 2011, where it was established by a group of pro-active storytellers.

Today FIDA‘s membership base consists of over 100 individual storytellers and 11 storytelling groups each with their own membership base. Our members range from enthusiasts to part-time storytellers, as well as professional storytellers who work full time in the field.  

In FIDA we are working to connect our members and promote their storytelling practices via the website, SoMe, flyers etc. We support new storytelling initiatives led by our members, and our aim is for oral storytelling to be commonly recognized as a stand-alone art form. We welcome new members no matter where they may be on their storytelling journey. 

Throughout the year, FIDA offers its members opportunities for networking and professional development through at least two in-person meetings at different locations in Denmark. We also regularly meet each other at storytelling events, courses, and festivals. 

FIDA regularly posts newsletters to keep members informed on what is happening within the field of oral storytelling in Denmark and abroad. 

Internationally, FIDA is a member of the Federation for European Storytelling, FEST. We also cooperate with our Nordic neighbors on a variety of storytelling initiatives, and to organize an annual Nordic storytelling residential summer school. 

If you are curious, require further information or perhaps are looking for a Danish storyteller, please do get in touch with us via this e-mail: formand@fortaellereidanmark

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